**************************************** BEYOND THE VALLEY OF THE BROOD
Enter a forbidden land where love gives way to lust, and sensual pleasures & hidden treasures await - Beyond The Valley Of The Brood. THE BROOD are an all girl group that play organ laced garage fuzz music using only original vintage 60s equipment. The femme four are Chris Horne, lead singer & guitar; Crystal Light, drums; Betsy Mitchell, bass; & Asch Gregory, psychedelic organ.
Stir it up with these Swizzle Chicks! Hear: Come On, Come On; Don't You Stand In My Way; Got Love If You Want It; Want-A-Love You; Gonna Make You See; Lost Little Girl; You Lied; Ain't That Love (Dorothy Berry song); I Love Him So; Keep Me Satisfied; Seven Days Of Cryin; Never The Same; Don't Need Your Lovin (Chocolate Watchband); And I Wonder; Your Body, Not Your Soul; and Pink Pussycat. Russ Meyer approved - this is one funtastic LP/CD you will surely want to pump up the volume on! This copy is STILL SEALED!