| | BRIEFS / POCKET DIGESTS / GIRLY MAGS / MISC Briefs & Pocket Digests are smaller than standard 8.5" x 11" news stand magazines. Briefs measure approx 5" x 7" or 5" x 8" while Pocket Digests measure 4" x 6". Misc includes artists & photographers guides as well as laugh books & other small sized girly periodicals. | BRIEFS BREEZY- #19 April 1957- (Betty Page; Tempest Storm; Bunny Yeager; Jayne Mansfield; Linda Dare; Renee LaValle; Maria Cabrera; Marilyn Maher; Fran Phillips; Gloria Rhoads; Maria Montana; Denise LaMont; Jackie Miller; w/ Bill Ward, Bill Wenzel; George Hess, Dan DeCarlo cartoons plus lots of jokes & other cartoons) Humorama F $53 BREEZY- #23 December 1957- (Audrey Lowell cover; Betty Page back cover + 2 inside; Marilyn Masters & Wendy Wilde inside covers; Dawn Richards; Harriet Patterson; Audry Wyatt; w/ Bill Ward, Dan eCarlo; Davy Berg cartoons plus lots of jokes & other cartoons) Humorama VF $58 BRIEF- February 1954- (Mara Corday cover & pictorial; Bibi Osterman inside cover & pictorial; pictorials w/ Betty Page; Barbara Nichols; Maria Stinger; Eve Meyer by Russ Meyer; 10 Sexiest Showstoppers; Marla Vernay; Denise Darcel; Lili St. Cyr inside back cover. Lyn Jones back cover) Mutual Magazine Corp. VF $40 BRIEF- October 1954- (Marilyn Garion cover & pictorial; Penny Duncan & June Blair inside covers & pictorials (June Blair later married David Nelson); plus pictorials w/ Betty Page; Louise Graves; Theila Darin; Ruby Richards; International Beauties w/ Betty Page, Sophia Loren others; Eve Williams back cover) Mutual Magazine Corp. M- $50 CARTOON PARADE- #11 May 1962- (Betty Magowan inside cover; Karlin Olsen back cover; Betty Page; Marilyn Maher; Dane Arden; Bernadette Kell; Suzanne Fisher; Rhada Rhodes; Pam Haydn; Ann Stevenson; Kim Athos; Shirley Falls; Betty Howard; Kay Daggar; 8-pg Powerhouse Pepper cartoon by Basil Wolverton; Many Bill Ward cartoons plus lots of jokes & other cartoons, including Dan DeCarlo, Bill Wenzel) Humorama M $58 CARTOON COMEDY PARADE- #20 November 1963- (Bill Ward cover art + inside; Jean Grey back cover; Betty Page; Claire Kelly; Cris Carter inside back cover; Melody Powell; Rita Merrill; Jean Patton; Donaldo Jordan; Dina Darne; Marisa Mell; Marie Barry; Cheryl Kubert; Trisha Crane; Cindy Fuller; Shirley Kilpatrick; Yvonne Cole; Rene Tracy; Annette Casir; 6-pg Powerhouse Pepper cartoon by Basil Wolverton; Lots of good-girl art by Bill Ward & Wenzell cartoons plus jokes & other cartoons, including Dan Decarlo) Humorama M- $53 COMEDY- November 1959- (Iris Bristol inside cover; Tania Velia back cover; Anne Fleming inside back cover; Beverly Barly; Linda Roberts; Della Fox; Virginia Gordon; Kay Sutton; Anita; Karen Klaus; Betty Brosmer; w/ Bill Ward & Wenzel cartoons plus lots of jokes & other cartoons) Humorama M- $48 COMEDY- March 1960- (Vicki Dougan cover; Rusty Fisher inside cover; Elaine Stewart back cover; Betty Page (8-pix); Laura Tamanti; Georgia Burr; Marcia Eddington; Marilyn Westley; Bunny; Daine Wagner; Donna Noble; Nikki Gibson; Nikki Joyce; w/ Bill Ward cartoons plus lots of jokes & other cartoons) Humorama M $48 COMEDY- September 1963- (Ann Austin back cover; Rita Merrill; Mickey Jines; Melody Ward; Virginia DeLee; Vivian Maledy; Joy Lane; Pat Winters; Channa Lea; Kathy Keith; Bettina Carey; w/ Bill Wenzel, Dan DeCarlo & several Bill Ward, cartoons plus lots of jokes & other cartoons) Humorama / Timely Features VF $38 EYE- #1 September 1966- (Jayne Mansfield cover & pictorial; Barbara Evans; Eadie Eggers; Charity Carpentier; Eileen Cappesso; Jackie Neilsen; Ericka Sofane; Lila Rose; Judy Bard; Sherry Wine; Peggy Grande; Angey Divine; Sobihan) Stories Layouts & Press, Inc. M $46 EYE, LIVELY TALK 'N PICTURES- February 1960- (Maria Stinger cover; Rebel Rawlings; Helene Stanton; Virginia Bell; Marianna Jones; Nadine Delcasse; Virginia Gordon; Dori Orlando; Jenne Williams; Iris Layne; Anna Pettonella; Pat Rawlings; Dawn Richard; Jane Britt; Bea Brewer; Wanda Barbour; Bobo Darleen; Rita Ravell; Zahra Norbo; Nona Von Tosch; Joyce Winfield; Ina Gardner; Anne Bancroft; Saundra Edwards; Joan Bradshaw; Carole Cameron; Liz O'Leyan; Nina Louise; Pandora; Nan White; Lola Hall; Pat Kent; Mary Poole; w/ many Bill Ward cartoons plus lots of jokes & other cartoons including good-girl art by Bill Wenzell) Humorama VF- $33 EYE, LIVELY TALK 'N PICTURES- October 1960- (Claire Gordon cover & pictorial; Marigold Russell inside cover; Sylvia Steele back cover; Jeannie Krause inside back cover; Betty Page; Carolyn Wynn; Karin Volkwert; Joyce Lawrence; Judy Bruce; Joanie Grant; Andrea Cleall; Nanci Crompton; Julie Podell; Vicki Lake; Jody Fleming; Gus Thorner; Diane Wagner; June Coronado; Kathy Kelley; Audrey Lowell; Maria Stinger; Myra Baird; Mary Marchand; Marle Edwards; Julie Reding; Ina Gardner; w/ Bill Wenzel & Dan DeCarlo cartoons plus lots of jokes & other cartoons) Humorama M- $40 EYE, LIVELY TALK 'N PICTURES- December 1960- (Julie Redding cover; Anna Marie Baumann inside cover & pictorial; Sue Sorrell back cover; Jeanne Faye inside back cover; Betty Page; Greta Thyssen; Gail Williams; Sabrina; Margaret Barbere; Lily Ayers; Sheryl Parks; Pearl Reber; Janet Perry; Celia Fields; Mary Reed; Diana Crawford; Gay Dawn; Vera Miles; Jeanie Krause; Joan Leslie; Pat Conley; Jodie Lawrence; Wendy Wells; Sharon Lary; Vivian Milady; Maggi Cole; Kitty Randall; Brigitte Baum; Mai Ling Gordon; Jeanmarie Lussier; Sandra Smith. Lots of cartoons & jokes) Humorama M $40 EYE, PEOPLE & PICTURES- October 1953- (Mara Corday cover & pictorial; Joan Tyler inside cover & pictorial; Sheree North back cover & pictorial; Gloria Pall feature story; Patty Parker; Eleonora Rossi; Eve Meyer by Russ Meyer; Ima Mahin; Lisa Howard; Article: Demolition Derby) Atlas / Mutual VF+ $33 FOTO-RAMA- April 1955- (Betty Page cover & pictorial; Lisa Reynolds back cover pictorial; Marilyn Monroe (3-pgs); Linda Lombard; Dell Simpson; Joy Martin; Lorali; Michelle Monè; Vicki King; Lana Bashama; Moniqie Van Vooren; Shirlee Buchanan; Helen Leahy; Eve Newton; Mia Macklin; Mallia aka Mildred Phillips; Jean Carroll) Arena Pub. VF $95 Rare! FOTO-RAMA- March 1956 (Lila Lynn cover & back cover & pictorial; Betty Page (4 pgs); Anna Maria Frances; Helene Pratello; Kay Christopher; Martha Hyer; Nanci White; Olga Chaviano; Maria Casilio; Carole Nelson; Lynn Carroll; Bonnie Grevatt; Article: Howard Hughes; Midget Wrestlers) Arena Pub. VF $38 FOTO-RAMA- May 1963- (Barrie Shaw back cover & pictorial; Geani Mack inside cover & pictorial; Kitty Randell pictorial; Jana Lee pictorial; Dania Tais pictorial; Sex for Drugs; Hundu Love Methods) Arena Pub. VF $24 FUN HOUSE COMEDY- September 1965- (Diane Sexton inside cover; Jane Tracey back cover; Tina Louise; Virginia DeLee; Janet Wellington; Laura Vicers; Bonnie Bez; Lynn Barton; Glen Wilson; Diane Weber; Yvonne Cole; Susan Norman; Varlerie Smith; Satria Pasha; Thea Pollette; Della Ames; Sandie Silver; Bela Cuculi; Laura Lee; Karen Fielt; Marle Sanderson; Wendy Wells; w/ many Bill Ward cartoons plus lots of jokes & other cartoons including good-girl art by Bill Wenzell, Dan DeCarlo; Rayon; Camillo) Humorama M- $48 GAZE- December 1963- (Rosa Dalmai cover; Gloria DeWinter back cover; Lily Badalian inside cover; Melody Ward inside back cover; Betty Page; Claudia Cardinale; Ann Austin; Jennie Lee; June Wilkinson; Virginia DeLee; Jayne Mansfield; Betty Peters; Winnie Clark; Elke Sommer; Connie Vaughn; Betty Howard; Diane Saunders; Chris Viereck; Vera Coye; Nikki Joye; Donna Scott; Dawn Richards; Jeanne Faye; Karin Volkert; Angela Jones; Ella Bovo; Yvonne Cole; Terry Nichols; Chris Colt; Donaldo Jordan; Betty Bronson; Jean Carmen; Carmen Philips; Barbara Nelli;Carla DiCarlo; Harriet Patterson; Risa Vinitzky; Pat Sheehan; Joy Laine; Vivian Maledy; Lucette Manimar; Grace Carroll; Mara Berni; Tommi Thackston; Carole Durst; Jane Thomas; Lynn Garret; Jean Patton. w/ Bill Ward & Bill Wenzel cartoons plus jokes & other cartoons) Humorama M- $75 GAZE- December 1964- (Annette Casir cover; Yajah back cover; Linda Veras inside cover; Sally Ann Scott inside back cover; Sue Sorrell; Sonia DeVighi; Tiari; Anita Anderson; Lili Kardell; Anne Fleming; Jaime Joyce; Shirley Skates; Helle Wingsoe; Gabrielle Welsh; Brigitte Buam; Gaby; Anna Kramer; Joanie Grant; Norma Jean Jani (aka Joan Brennan); Linda Summers; Debbie Jones; Betty Peters; Kitty Randall; Ginette Pierre; Sue Bailey; Ina Gardner; Zahra Norbo; Linda Kelley; Paula King; Lisa St Clair; Bambi Hamilton; Sheryl Parks; Julie Redding; Misty Saunders; Dawn Richards; Louise Smith; Debbie Carroll; Beth Miller; Marie Devereux; Eileen Laghton; Lisa Ryan; Tana Leigh; Carol Hill; Wendy Wells; Margaret Middleton; Shirley Kilpatrick; Gail Vander Most; Laura Jason; Terry Raye; Judith Mell; Sophia Dawn; Marlie Renfro; Article: Tattoos. w/ Camillo cartoons plus lots of jokes & other cartoons) Humorama F $38 GEE-WHIZ!- January 1960- (Wendy Peters cover; Teresa Gaye inside cover; Betty Brosner; Donna Noble; Jeanne Williams; Virginia Gibson; Marley Sanderson; Donaldo Jordan; Kay Richards; Gigi Frost; Jean Patton; Lola Hall; Ann Gibson; Rosa Dalmar; Marilyn Westley; w/ many Bill Ward cartoons plus lots of jokes & other cartoons including good-girl art by Bill Wenzell; Rowls) Humorama F $45 GEE-WHIZ!- May 1960- (Kiri Wanna cover; Carol Lynn back cover; Margaret Martin inside cover; Betty Page; Tempest Storm; Pam Aiken; Jaine Claire; Barbara Rudell; Joni Cari; Janice Sable; Elaine Deming; Marla Powers; Allison Sanborn; Johnie Jones; Judy O'Day; Panette; Shaunna Lea; Wendy Knight; Ina Gardner; Mara Lynn; Jeanmarie Lussier; w/ many Bill Ward cartoons plus lots of jokes & other cartoons including Bill Wenzel; DeCarlo; Stan Goldberg; Kirk; W. Fitzpartick) Humorama M- $45 GRIN!- #64 July 1950- (All-Cartoon issue w/ good-girl artwork by Wenzel (cover); Pablo; Walsh; Rayon; Bill Ward; Merrylen; Gene Rowls; George Reckas; Hopper; Hagglund; Senrab; Ray Dabbs; Bo Brown; George Crenshaw; Taylor; Story by Arthur Lane; Posner; plus jokes & gags) Hobby Publications F $28 HUMORAMA- Vol 1, #1 April 1957- (Rare First Issue w/ photos of: Pat Kennedy (front cover); Bunny Yeager; Diane Webber (nude top); Bettie Page (great photo of her in white); Patty McLaughlin; Marion Mellet; Madeline Castle (nude top); Carol Lauritzen; Pam Graham; Muriel Feltman; Kay Douglas; Renee Lavalle; Mary Flynn; Mariln Maher; Mary Elona; Denise Lamont; Joan Reed; Alexis Vancourt; Phylis Ursin; Kim White; Marla Long; Maria Stinger; Joy Reynolds; Plus Cartoon Art by: Dan DeCarlo; Bill Wenzel; Camill; A. Kauffman; Rekoj; Serrano; Jefferson Machamer; Bill Ward, & more!) Humorama Inc (measures 8.5" x 11") VF+ $95 Scarce HUMORAMA- May 1962 (Photos of: Jayne Mansfield; Virginia Bell; Eileen O'Donnell; Sabrina; Andrea Cleall; Lucy Lannon; Monique Van Vooren; Beverly Thomas; Julie Shearing; Lynn Hannah; Maria Stinger; Joanne Arnold; Gigi Havjo; Suzanne Fisher; Dane Arden; Jessica Power (inside back cover); Nancy Lewis (back over); plus Cartoon Art by: Dan DeCarlo (inside front cover + others); Quentin Miller; Bill Wenzel; Filchock; Bill Ward; Al Kaufman; Chism; Jefferson Machamer; Ed LeCocq; Dirksen; Jefferson Machamer; Art Helfant; Rodi; Frank Darling; Philippe Clairont; Bill Kresse; Matthews; L Harper; Ed Dahlin; Monroe Leung; Art Gates; Orez; Camillo; Homer; Al Ellis; Sutton; Bob Weber; Case; Anderson; Dunkel; Cramer; Serrano) Humorama Inc VF+ $48 JACKPOT- #1 February / March 1952- (All-Cartoon issue w/ artwork by Hank Ketcham; Dick Ericson; Atkins; Joey Oakes; Les Colin; Douglas; Lucien; Gene Rowls; Sharp; Bob Moore; Priscilla; George Crenshaw; Keziah Usnr; Harry Lampert; Charles Strauss; A. Ronson; Merrylen; Rayon; plus several by Bill Wenzel) Youthful Magazine, Inc. F- $28 JACKPOT- #3 June / July 1952- (Cartoon art by: Joey Oakes; Lucien; Bill Wenzel; Gordon Sheehan; Treceno; Hills; Leon Harold; Bernhardt; George Wolfe; Curzon; George Davis; Hank Ketcham; Glynn; Taylor; George Crenshaw; Vic Herman; Atkins; B Wiseman; O'Donoghue; Frank Beaven; Sivie; Harry Lampert) Youthful Magazine, Inc. VG $23 JEST- August 1951- (Gianna Canale back cover; Julia Adams inside cover; Lorraine Cugat inside back cover; Patty Buckner; Gloria Pall; Jean Williams; Pauline Stroud; Bernice Hoff; Corinnne Vandez; Janet Wallace; Betty Tunnel; Monica Lewis; Dominique Wilmes; Dany Robin; Ava Gardner; Palma Shard; Blanche Reinze; Mara Lynn; Darwin Hit; w/ Bill Ward & Wenzel cartoons plus lots of jokes & other cartoons) Stadium F+ $35 JEST- July 1953- (Lucille Thomas inside cover; Ann Sterling back cover; Barbi Evans inside back cover; Hilda Estevez; Salima; Conchita Lopez; Diane Dawson; Dolly O' Day; Jan Sterling; Paula Mayer; Leslie Caron; Jane Morgan; Syblla Lenell; Beverly Ware; Esther Williams; Good-Girl cartoon art by Bill Ward, Mort Walker, Basil Wolverton & Bill Wenzel plus lots of jokes & other cartoons) Timely Features M- $48 JEST- November 1954- (Betty Page cover; Theila Darin back cover; Jane Millard; Helene Hayden; Yvonne Friedrich; Dolores Donlan; Mary Ann Harrison; Gilda; Madeline Castle; Barbara Warden; Carolyn Obst; Betty Turner; Irish McCalla; Lily Christine; Eve Meyer; w/ Bill Ward, Dan DeCarlo & Rowls cartoons plus lots of jokes & other cartoons) Humorama / Timely Features VF $85 JEST- November 1959 (Lillian Grasson cover; Shelle St. Monte back cover; June Russell inside cover; Judy Bamber inside back cover; Linda Lee; Patty Conley; Geneviere Gaye; Tempest Storm; Joann Jordon; Gigi Frost; Glenda Graham; Carol Hill; Rita DuPree; Debe Martel; Lola Hall; Carol Green; Linda Roberts; Lillian Grassar; Jan Jennings; June Russell; Anna Maria Barnes; Betty Brosner; w/ Bill Ward & Bill Wenzel cartoons plus lots of jokes & other cartoons) Humorama / Timely Features VF- $43 JOKER- #11 1947- (All-Cartoon issue w/ good-girl cover art; plus cartoons by Bill Wenzel; Joey Oakes; Bo Brown; Art Jackson) Skyline Publications M- $33 JOKER- #22- late 1950- (Marie Wilson back cover; Barbara Leslie inside cover; Virginia Mayo inside back cover; Joan Vohs; Mary Ann Kelley; Billie Nelson; Ana Van DeRovaart; Mary Ann Kelley; w/ cartoons by Joey Oakes; Rayon; Douglas Ryan; Bo Brown; Bob Moore, Stan Reid plus lots of jokes & other cartoons including 6-pgs of Powerhouse Pepper by Basil Wolverton) Stadium Publishing M- $38 JOKER- #23- early 1951- (Cleo Moore cover; Tracey Lynn back cover; Devie Davenport inside cover; Pat Wright inside back cover; Marylin Monroe; Piper Laurie; Carol Sten; Mala Powers; Toni Carroll; Jean Williams; Laura Lord; Barbara Bates; Betty Jane Barton; Barbara Freking; w/ cartoons by Bill Wenzel; Bo Brown; Boserman; Joey Oakes; Rayon; plus lots of jokes & other cartoons including 8-pgs of Powerhouse Pepper by Basil Wolverton) Stadium Publishing VF $38 JOKER- #59 August 1958- (Betty Page cover; Iris Bristol inside cover; Brandee Kase inside back cover; Joan Arnold; Tania Velie; Dane Arden; Madeleine Petit; Carla Fascari; Norma Walker; Domay; Cheri Sutherland; Rita Replage; Jean Patten; Winnie Clarke; w/ many Bill Ward cartoons plus lots of jokes & other cartoons by Bill Wenzel; Dan DeCarlo; Rusty Merideth; Al Sargent; Rayon; Al Kaufman; Mel Scott; Lloyd Baker; others) Humorama VF $85 MIRTH- March 1956- (All-Cartoon issue w/ good-girl cover art by Bill Wenzel; plus jokes & cartoons by Mel Scott; M.J. Davis; Camillo; Rayon; Harry Jones; George Crenshaw; O'Brien; Jack Burson; others) Mirth F- $28 PHOTO- July 1954- (Joan Tylor inside cover & pictorial; Mara Lane inside back cover & pictorial; Anita Ekberg; Mary Flynn; Barbara Loden; Abbe Lane; Suzanne Bernard; Anne Bancroft; Jackie Walker; Marly Sanderson; June McCall; Article: Scuba Diving) Atlas / Official Magazine Corp. F- $18 PHOTO- August 1954- (Jeanne Carmen cover & pictorial; Paula Teagarden inside cover & pictorial; Suzanne Ames inside back cover & pictorial; Lana Bashama; Jane Burgess; Mari Blanchard; Corinne Calvet; Gwen Pedersen; Jane Wooster; Betty Linden; Yvonne Friedrich; Article: Motorbike Mayhem; Boxing w/ Rocky Graziano; more) Atlas / Official Magazine Corp. M- $23 PHOTO- May 1955- (Carol Blake inside cover & pictorial; Marilyn Robbins back cover & pictorial; Jane Morgan inside back cover & pictorial; Betty Page; Tina Louise; Joan Collins; Brigitte Bardot; Anita Ekberg; Maria Frau; Sophia Loren; Irish McCalla; Barbara Osterman; Rosemary Bowe; Joan Vohs; Phyllis Ursin; Linda Darnell; Sarita Montiel; Joyce Nazzari; Gus; Carol Lauritzen; Monique Van Vooren; Articles: Eddie Fisher; Buster Keaton) Atlas / Official Magazine Corp. F $34 PHOTO- September 1955- (Cover photo by Bunny Yeager; Diane Wagner inside cover & pictorial; Rita Moreno back cover & pictorial; Rosemary Bowe inside back cover & pictorial; Sunnie Small; Barbara White; Fay Spain; Sophia Loren; Gail & Mara Lindsey; Pat Gardner; Vicki Lake; Articles: Boris Karloff; Boxing w/ Pete Adams; Girl Hunter's Handbook) Atlas / Official Magazine Corp. F $33 PHOTO LIFE- February 1961- (Exposé Digest w/ Dany Faret inside cover & pictorial; Rita Grable; Freddi Robbins; Joan Collins; Jennie Lee; Laura Saint; Chris James; Roberta Ramon; Mamie Van Doren; Rita Ravell; Nicki Rossi; Articles: Khrushchev's Plot Against Elvis Presley; Beatniks; How Royality Gets Sex Thrills; Wife Swapping; Madam Tussaud's Wax Museum) Lux Publications VF- $38 PIC- May 1956- (Brigitte Bardot cover & pictorial; Sany O'Neill inside cover & pictorial; Betty Page; Lili St. Cyr; Cleo Moore; Betty Tunnell; Jacqueline Hurley; Lynn Bagette; Good-girl comic art by Bill Wenzel; O'Brien; Clyde Lamb; Articles: Boxing w/ Bruce Woodcock & Lee Savold; Baseball w/ Don Newcombe; 25 Top Jazz Records by Red Nichols) Wagner Publications M $33 PICTURE SCOPE- November 1954- (Princess Mayhal cover; Vera Day inside cover; Helen Remy inside back cover; Betty Page; Lili St. Cyr; Jane Russell; Rita Hayworth; Marilyn Monroe; Greta Thysegen; Jone Bright; Jence Lowry; Syra; Randy Scott; Simon Coryn; Estelle Richmond; Shelley Leigh; Wanda Hendrix; Mae Munroe; Irish Strench; Jane Millard; Article: Land Of Free Love; Tattoos; Irving Klaw story plus 'Varietease') Magtab Publishing Corp. M- $50 PICTURE SCOPE- January 1955- (Irish McCalla cover & pictorial; Rosie Dean inside cover; Franchesca DeScaffa; Wanda Curtis; Wilma Seichert; Sandy Stevens; Nan Parker; Paula Doretti; Sylvia Lewis; Legs Desire; Judie Mathias; Lee Wilson; Spring Mitchell; Mona Rae; Margott Mayer; Sheree North; Gigi Montayne; Neva Gilbert; Gisele; plus: Hollywood's Hottest Blondes) Magtab Publishing Corp M- $35 or VF $22 RAVE- #1 April 1953- (Marilyn Monroe; Linda Darnell; Mary Collins; Valere Duncan; LaNelle Peterson; Jane Russell; Ann Sheridan; Dolores Dahl; Eden Hartford; Shirley Bissinger; Sharon Bailey; Diana Davis; Pat Kelly; Liz Maclean; Zsa Zsa Gabor, Eva Gabor & Magda Gabor pictured w/ their mom Jolie; Articles: Gene Markey Story; Howard Hughes Story; Texas Beauties;The Art Of John Carroll; Harry Cohn Story; Clark Gable) Rave Publishing Corp. M- $33 RAVE- #6 June 1954- (Marilyn Monroe pictorial; Barrie Chase; Mara Lynn; Articles: Jayne Russell Story; The Girls Of New York City; Gossip w/ Louella Parsons & Hedda Hopper; Joe McCarthy; The Technique Of Kissing; Apache Dancing) Rave Publishing Corp. M- $28 ROMP- August 1960- (Karin Volkert back cover; Marigold Russell inside cover; Sabrina inside back cover; Betty Page; Pat Dahl; Inez Pinchot; Tempest Storm; Pat Simmons; Sandy Deutsch; Inge Miller; Donalda Jordan; Julia Redding; Sheryl Parks; Joy Laine; Didi Roberts; Anna Bender; Joan King; Joy Reynolds; Texas Sheridan; Val Ritchie; Susan Avery; Renee LaValle; Tana Louise; Joan Reid; Bridgitte Baum; June Blair (later married David Nelson); Audrey Lowell; Tana Leigh; Angela Blake; Sandra Milo; Dianne Wagner; w/ Bill Ward, Bill Wenzel & Dan DeCarlo cartoons plus lots of jokes & other cartoons by Camillo; Priscilla; Crenshaw) Timely Features M- $48 SCOOP!- July 1954- (Jennie Lee; Apache Dancing w/ Yvonne Doughty; Renee Andre; Imogene Coca; Gine Carina; Dorothy Adamson; Simone Col; Ann Gardner; Francoise Philipson; Ann Melton; Articles: Jimmy Roosevelt Story; Rodeos; Crazy Horse Saloon w/ Edith Georges; Prince Aly Kahn; Russ Meyer photographs from his upcoming book 'French Peep Show') Candid Magazines Inc. VF $33 SNAPPY- March 1958 (Vol 4 #24)- (Cartoon art by Bill Ward (lots, including cover), Bill Wenzel, Dave Berg, Jefferson Machamer, Reamer Keller, Mel Scott, Serrano, Diek Weinert, Gorman, Dan DeCarlo, Homer, Al Kaufman, Cramer, Rayon, Stamaty, Lew Sliver, Jack Lohr, Tiowdy, O'Brien, Chas. Skyles, Forney Mumford, Bill Harrison, Teaney, Larry Harris, Hoppes, Lloyd Baker, others. Pin-ups include: Bettie Page, Dane Arden, Dawn Richards, Jada, Arby Lynn, Sally Larimer, Maria Allisio, Tara Thomas, Grace Carrol, Pat Shebenek, Delores Carlos, Toddy Taylor, Wendy Wilde) Humorama VG $33 STARE- A Candid Look At Life- January 1950- (Marie Wilson cover; Kathryn Moiseve back cover; Monica Lewis inside cover; Lonnie Hansen inside back cover; Bunny Pope; Vike Hayes; Polly Hunt; Esther Williams; Joan Brandow; Rosetta Davis; Trudy Wayne; Ann Mace; Marta Toren; Mary Stuart; Ana Van DeRovaart; Lana Wong; Joanne Arnold; Monica Boyar; Pat Morrison; I-Leen; Vivian Baule; Dorothy Adamson; Anne Sterling; Melodi Blocki; Barbara Freking; Betty Underwood; Judy Sinclair; Lola Albright; Bobbie Burt; Isabelita; Jane Nigh; Renee Andre; Dianne Adrian; & many other glamour & showgirls, plus cartoon, including Bill Wenzel) Skyline Publications F $28 STARE- Exciting & Lively Picture Pleasure- February 1954- (Syra cover; Yvonne Menard back cover & pictorial; Nancy Westbrook inside cover; Theila Darrin inside back cover; Mara Corday; Tempest Storm; Paula McNeil; Caroline Curlew; Vicki Connor; Kathy Marlowe; Joan Arnold; Denise King; Carolyn Lee; Gloria Skare; Jackie LeVasseur; Lili St. Cyr; Marilyn Dean; Betty Paige; Sigrid Macey; Wilma Siechert; Countess Paulana; Louise Thompson; Louise Fry; Gwen Caldwell; Hilda Estevez; Vicki Mills; Phylis Bolger; Nita Navarre; Gerry Finley; Beverly Arrowsmith; Dawn Addams; Louella Cordell; cartoons by Chapman; Rayon, Ben Roth, Pablo, others) Timely Publications VF $45 STARE- Exciting & Lively Picture Pleasure- October 1954- (Lilly Christine & Marcia Eddington cover; Diane Howe inside cover; Jean Moorehead inside back cover; Betty Page opening page; Tempest Storm; Yvonne Friedrich; Vicki Hayes; Barbara Nichols; Joan Heal; Kaye Martin; Marla Bernay; Dawn Redick; Dane Millard; Carolyn Obst; Delores DelMonte; Rhoda Richards; Joy Murphy; Marcia Eddington; Arlene Hunter; Nikki Green; Dolores Donlan; Eve Meyer; Lonnie Young; Margaret Mayer; Abbe Lane; June McCall; cartoons by Rayon, Feller, Jenkins, Shaffer, Pablo, Art Jackson, Joey Oakes, Shad, Murry, others) Humorama VF $53 STARE- Exciting & Lively Picture Pleasure- August 1958- (Lili LaPadeur, Melody Ward & Tana Louise cover; Tempest Storm, Risa Vinitzky & Dawn Richards back cover; Jean Robbins inside cover; June DeLeo inside back cover; Susan Turner; Cindy Fuller; Donaldo Jordan; Judy O'Day; Linda Kellar; Kitty Dolan; Anne Aubrey; Cheryl Kubert; Anita London; Linda Dare; Gloris DeWinter; Evelyn West; Carmen Phillips; Delores Robbins; Gesa Adams; Jackie Walker; Angel Devlin; Carol Baker; Debora Dean; Donna Long; Kathy Marlowe; Grace Caroll; Norma Walker; Libby Jones; Shirley Kilpatrick; Ann Peters; Dora Knobb; Genevieve Gaye; Delores DelRaye; Della Malzahn; cartoons by: Albano, Ben Roth) Humorama VF $45 STARE- Exciting & Lively Picture Pleasure- June 1959- (Irene Cefaro, Virginia DeLees & Betty Page cover w/ pictorials; Pauli Mohler, Jackie Monroe, Crystal Denton & June Wilkinson back cover; Kay Sutton inside cover; Charlotte Seymour inside back cover; Syra; Diane Weber; Honey Bee; Celia Fields; Gay Dawn; Joan Grant; Norma Jean Jani (aka Joan Brennan); June DeLeo; Zahra Norbo; Eva Veress; Lillian Madsen; Marlyn Maher; Toni Kaye; Julie Newmar; Barbara Nichols; Cozette Hutner; Nancy Kirsten Jere Nelson; Lorraine DuLac; Marle Sanderson; Pat Turner; Jean Kelly; Dorie Dianne; Jocelyn Jones; Cherry Knight; Mona Miller; Karleen Ahrens; Norma Brooks; Cindy Camp) Timely Features F $90 TAB- February 1955- (Betty Page cover & 5-pg pictorial (spelled Bette Paige); Betty Brosmer back cover (spelled Brasmer); Eve Meyer inside cover; Tempest Storm; Lynn Moran; Irish McCalla; Trudy Williams; Beverly Michaels; Jean Adair; Helene Pratello; Bette Ford; June DaLeo; Bee Joyce; Barbara Osterman; Dolores Donlon; Faye Morley; Articles: Bikini Contest w/ Joan Rawlings; Teenage Sin Club) Carnival M- $110 or VF $85 or F- $48 TAB- October 1955- (Yvonne Preble cover; Dale Strong back cover; Mallia Phillips inside back cover; Bettie Page 5-pg pictorial; Marilyn Monroe; Michelle Monety; Bubbles Darlene; Gus Thorner; Annamaria Ghiani; Jean Lewis; Judee Lee; Annabelle; Articles: Las Vegas Showgirls w/ Lee Sharon; How Broadway Beat The Burlesque Ban w/ Monique Van Vooren; Nudist Camps; Apache Dancing; Beer) Carnival VF+ $85 TAB- December 1959- (Jayne Mansfield cover & 6-pg pictorial; Renee Gautier back cover & pictorial; Flora Balmoral inside cover; Sharon Knight; Lily Christine; Honey Rhodes; Jo Ann Arnold; Patti White; Delia Glass; Shirley Ann Goode; Pat Gregory; Sophie Destrade; Nancy Lewis; Gitte Petroffsky; Ylonde Mantino; Liliane Tailemans; Sabrina; Articles: New York's Vice King; Fold-Out Color Inset w/ Racy Broadway Costumes; College Sex; Naughty Movies; ) Carnival VF+ $75 TAB- February 1960- (Charlene James cover & pictorial; Marianne Moore inside back cover; Mimi Hines back cover; Mireille Le Plat pictorial; Lola Hall; Toni & Terry Rees (twins); Saucy trapeze artist Lili Plato; Marcia Gammill; Iris Bristol; Jean Perry; Wanda Whiteside; Vickie Lake; Lilli Lisande; Betty O'Ray; Suzy Parker; Sue Landy; Mary Marchand; Ziva Dann; Anna Quagliarini; Anita Ventura; Marlayna Scott; Carla Carney; Lilian Madsen; Heide Loree; Sylvia Wright; Rene Lavalle; Dawn Arlan; Lori Adams. Articles: Sabra- The Quiver Girl Who Rocked Elvis Presley; Inside The Iron Curtain; Burlesque in Chile w/ Xenia Monte; Are Movies Getting Too Naughty Again?; Blockbuster Beauties; Small Wedding; Flaming Youth; Vice Capital; Well, That's Showbiz; more) Carnival VF+ $45 TAB- August 1965- (Dena Clarke cover & pictorial; May August inside cover; Patti Shelton; Donna Barr; Ann Peters; Ginger Meadows; Kitty Lynn; Malina Markova; Anita McCrea; Eva Clay; Marilee Merchant; Audrey Maye; Eve Post; Articles: Sex IQ; Frank Sinatra & MIA Farrow; Golf; How To Plan A Love Nest; International Beauties; Pirates) Carnival F $22 TAB- December 1968- (Lana Dale cover; Doris Sanders inside cover; Lydia Maserati; Gloria Collins; Barbie Dahl; Lee Scott; Dotty Rodney; April Little; Faye Henderson; Julie Nash; Maureen Frawley; Dolores Duke; Yvonne Simms; Helen Fullerton; Sandy Frost; Ruby Rich; Laura Brand; Inge Bjorndahl; Articles: Nudes On TV; Cary Grant's Nightmare Trips on LSD; Making Out; Dating; The Singular Love Life Of Andy Warhol; Passion Pads On Wheels; Dropouts; Amateur Strippers; Do You Have A Dirty Mind? by Pearl Williams) Carnival F- $33 VUE- #1 October 1950- (Pat Hall back cover & pictorial; Joi Lansing; Joan Rhodes; Bobby Tate; Anne Francis; Susan Shaw; Joan Diener; Fran Gregory; Judy Garland; Joan Caulfield; Articles: Dean Martin's Birthday Party; 5 Artists, 1 Model w/ Sofia Serris; Miss America; USA & European Nightlife; Bill Mark cheesecake photos) Vue Inc. VF- $28 VUE- February 1952- (Lynn Moorehead cover & inside back cover & pictorial; Shelley Winters inside cover; June McCall; Lena Horne; Barbara Nichols; Dagmar; Jene Courtney; Gayle Circle; Evelyn Johnson; Beverly Michaels; Cleo Moore; Ruth Medlin; Articles: Sue & Al Lynn Dance Team; Amusement Park Rotor; Ralph Bellamy Crime Quiz; Zoltan Farkas cheesecake photos) Vue Inc. F- $18 VUE- November 1955- (Cathy Lee Michaels cover & pictorial (aka Venecia Stevenson); Marilyn Monroe inside cover & 6-pg pictorial; Joy Lansing; Shirley Kilpatrick; Anita Ekberg; Rita Cadillac; Cathy McCormack; Venus; Jean O'Connor; Diane Linder; Marvene; Marla English; Barbara Thomason; Lisa Reynolds; Articles: Beaux Arts Ball; Incas) Actual Publishing M- $33 VUE- July 1956- (Norma Seward cover & pictorial; Beth Lee inside cover; Elaine Michoud; Joy Windsor; Irish McCalla; Marla English; Betty O'Ray; Sharon Sutton; Annie Bender; Sara Dolley; Neil Adams; Veronique Zuber; Mary Hagan; Jackie Hilton; Barbara Taylor; Julie Gibson; Diane Lund; Arlene Hunter; Helene DeMaree; Scarlett Dane; Clara Lynn Maxwell; Constance Smith; Articles: Boudoir Private Eye; Jimmy Durante; Tarzan) Actual Publishing M $28 VUE- November 1960- (Lori Landers front cover & pictorial; Betty MacGowan inside front cover; Lavonne Evans pictorial; Joyce Forrest pictorial; Dolores DelRaye pictorial; Iris Richardson pictorial; Judy Crowder pictorial; Scotti Jayne pictorial; Annette Sagorski pictorial; Claire Gordon pictorial w/ color; Rosa Dolmia pictorial w/ color; Pamela Perry; Sheryle Bishop; Jennie Lee; Sara Dollery; Nanci Childers; Jackie Miller; Monique VanVooren; Tempest Storm; Articles: These Girls Play Rough; Small Cars; America's Screwiest Spree; White Slavers Of The Middle East; In Your Hat; Sin With Your Saki; Alan Alan- King Of The Daredevils; The Show That Scorched Las Vegas; The Beastnik!, and more) Actual Publishing NM $33 VUE- July 1961- (Carol Rae front cover & pictorial; Linda Rochelle inside front cover; Sharon Richardson inside back cover & pictorial; Vanda Hudson pictorial; Amelia DiPaulo pictorial; Cha Landis pictorial; Anna Gatti pictorial; Nancy Roberts pictorial w/ color; Melody Ward pictorial w/ color; Marilyn Monroe; Angela Crofts; Gretchen Garret; Cynthia Carter; Brenda Jansen; Jean Carmen; Jeanette Pearce; Maria Evens; Shannon O'Shay; Patti Hutton; Della Waren; Marie Odile France; Teddy Baer; Meg Miles; Gail Robbins; Rae MacRae; Terry Walker; Wendy Clifford; Carol Riva; Romona Rogers; Sally Douglas; Barbra Ann Martin; Marge Davis; Dania Tais; Ruth Roberts; Lucinda Pappas; Barbara Bowes. Articles: Love Among The Beatniks; Why Editors Go Nuts; Human Kamikazes; Where The Dead Are Born Again; Making Short Beers Last Longer; Murder In The Casbah; The Naked Truth About Movie Nudity; Baseball's Brazen Babes; Terror On The Plains; Wagon Master... Europe Style; Crazy Man Crazy about Don Poynter, creator of The Jayne Mansfied Water Bottle; Queen Elizabeth's Other Throne; Shark Bait; Satin Goes Sexy about film "Satin In High Heels" Caught With Her Paints Down from movie set of "The Misfits") Actual Publishing VF $33 VUE- July 1966- (Tatiana Teran cover & color pictorial; Terry Higgins; Rochelle Kennedy; Dottie Wolf; Marli Renfro; Rita Royce; Eve Eden; Virginia Roman; Irmgarde Eicke; Lana Curtis; Paula Challenger; Lori Sears; Gaye Robbins; Sally Ann Choate; Virginia Rogers; Dodie Thompson; Kim Knowles; Articles: Are Discotheques Pickup Pads?; Drug Addicts; Body Painting; Topless Bathing Suits; Rise & Fall Of Stiptease) Actual Publishing VF $28 VUE- January 1969- (Sharon Morrisey cover & color pictorial by Renzo Gabanzo; Anita McCrea inside cover; Mary Flagg by Ron Vogel; Susan Stewart by Rudi; Robbie James by Bunny Yeager; Doris Savory; Marilyn Monroe; Melody Horn; Annette Johnson; Julie Collins; Mikki Martel; Liz Hukkanen; Shannon MacKaye; Alycia Montez; Cosette Cousins; Diane Michael; Articles: Chapparal Auto Racing Debut; College Sex; Home Brewing; Buffalo Bill; Soccer; San Francisco Go-Go Clubs; Exotic Sex In Greenwich Village; Psychedelic Sex Kicks Movie Bonus: "Freakout") Actual Publishing M- $28 | POCKET DIGESTS BOLD- May 1955- (Betty Brosmer cover; Anita Ekberg centerfold; Margery Barbara; Tina Jay; Sheree North; Diane Wagner; Article: Arthur Murray Teaches You The Americano, dance steps posed by Xavier Cugat &Abbe Lane; Article: Inside Story of the Brinks Robbery; Article: Ivar Kreuger, master Swindler; Article: Kentucky Derby) M $44 BOLD- June 1955- (Mara Corday cover; Jackie Walker centerfold; Carol Blake; Sherry Britton; Toni Sullivan. Pictorial: Models Go Outdoors w/ Betty Page; Maria Stinger. Article: Why The Big Stars Strip) M $35 BOLD- December 1955- (Betty Brosmer cover; Betty Page centerfold; Barbara Wilson; Linda Rochelle; Lilly Christine; England's Cool Beauties; Stan Kenton article; Don Campbell article) VG $55 BOLD- March 1955- (Betty Page cover; Gregg Sherwood centerfold; Pat Hartley; Zsa Zsa Gabor; Dorothy Dandridge; Maria Stinger; Sirena; Article: Houdini; Jazz Article: After Bop, What?; Article: Beer & Ale Facts) VF $90 Scarce! BOLD- February 1956- (Lee Sharon cover; Marguerite Empey centerfold; Jane Easton; Ursula Andres; Barbara Luke; Sophia Loren; Pictorial: The 10 Most Wanted Women In The USA: w/ Mamie Van Doren; Mara Corday; Susan Cabot; Rita Moreno; others; ) VF+ $35 BOLD- April 1956- (Betty Page cover & portfolio; Karen Sharpe centerfold (loose); Jane Easton; Brandy Martin; Joy Webster) F- $70 BOLD- June 1956- (Vicki Palmer cover; Shirley Kilpatrick centerfold; Julie Newmeyer; Gail Audrey; Article on photographer Bunny Yeager) F $38 BOLD- December 1957- (Abbe Lane cover; Susan Harrison; Barbara Loden; Jayne Mansfield. Article: Girl Gangs Go Wild) M $38 BOLD- November 1958- (Joan Bradshaw cover; Sandra Giles centerfold; June Cunningham; Kim Scala; Zahra Norbo. Article: Why Strippers Can't Quit) M $28 CARNIVAL- March 1956- (Jayne Mansfield cover; Jayne Hacklyn centerfold; Sarita Montell; Monte MacMurray; Sarah Dolley; Tracy Morgan; Sexy Mort Walker 'Beetle Bailey' cartoon) VF $75 CARNIVAL- June 1956- (Betty Page cover; Julie Padula centerfold; Feli Wittman; Brigitte Bardot; Carol Raplee; Georgine Darcy; Article: Rocky Graziano) M $88 Rare! CARNIVAL- July 1956- (Jayne Mansfield cover; Brigitte Bardot; Mona Miller; Arlette Peters; Yvonne Preble; Barbara 'Candy' Loden pictorial w/ Ernie Kovacs; Article: Movies They Won't Let You See; Article: Cocktail Hour Call Girls) M- $68 CARNIVAL- October 1956- (Pierson Carroll cover; Virginia DeLee; Sarah Dolley; Gilda (burlesque stripper aka Shirley Jean of the "Our Gang" comedies); Lynne O'Neill; Lita Baron; Article: Voodoo Sex Secrets) F $44 CHICKS & CHUCKLES- October 1955- (Betty Page cover; Joanne Arnold centerfold; Jeri Miller; Iris Bristol; lots of jokes & cartoons by the day's top illustrators) M $90 Scarce! CHICKS & CHUCKLES- February 1957- (Doreen Lord cover; Diane Hopkons centerfold; Eva Wild back cover; Deloris Brown inside front cover; Particia Hawkes inside back cover; Lucette Warin; Shirley Bushyeager; Bunni Nelson; Audie Ragona; Marlayna Scott; Dorothy Rowand; Rhonda Marlowe; Diane Drake; lots of jokes & cartoons by the day's top illustrators, including: Roy Williams; McCartney; Jefferson Machamer; Lamb; Lloyd Baker; Tupper; Harry Jones; Carl Thomas; Frank Ridgeway; Mel Scott; Bob Barnes; others) M $35 DARE- #1 November 1952- (Lily Christine cover; Elizabeth Taylor back cover) VF $50 DARE- #8 August 1953- (Lily Christine cover; Betty Page back cover; Mona Knox; Del Patton. Article w/ picture of 1952 Nash Rambler hardtop convertible) M- $58 DARE- October 1957- (Alice Denham cover; Daphne Driessen; Carol Swartz; Carmen Phillips. Article: Juvenile Delinquents) M- $38 FOCUS- September 2, 1953- (7 facts about women that sexual surveys won't tell; Ike's Southern comfort; You've never seen (Marilyn) Monroe like this - 3 pg pictorial; Moscow's "Mr. Sabotage"; Bridget Bardot; Mt. K2; Eddie Fishar 4 pgs; "Kiss Me Kate" exotic dancer Nejla Ates centerfold story + back cover; George groesbeck; Frank L. Mitchell; Laurie Anders 3 pg cheesecake; singer Jean Kelly; Eureka, CA vice problems... more) VF $12 FOCUS- September 30, 1953- (Maria Stinger cover; Nejla Ates; Gloria Saks; Basil Wolverton comics + back cover; Article: Juvenile Delinquency) VF $42 FOCUS- February 3, 1954- (Genny Gaylor cover; Anne Perone centerfold; Gypsy Rose Lee & her sister June) M- $18 FOCUS- February 17, 1954- (Pat Van Iver cover; Silvana Pampanini centerfold; Dick Shawn) M $22 FOCUS- May 1954- (Barrie Chase cover; Elaine Stewart centerfold & back cover; Lee Sharon; baseball pitcher Bill Pierro) M $24 FOCUS- September 1954- (Irish McCalla cover & centerfold; Marilyn Monroe feature w/ rare childhood photos; Kim Novak;) VF- $40 FOCUS- February 1955- (Cleo Moore cover; Ruby Richards; Gina Lollobrigida; "The Kinsey Waltz" photo dance-lesson by Michael Drake & Margot Myers) M $18 FOCUS- August 1955- (Anita Ekberg cover & centerfold; Jayne Mansfield; Charlene Hargrove; Shirley Tinner) M- $35 FOCUS- September 1955- (June Randy; Joyce Nazzari pictorial by Bunny Yeager; Joe Lewis; Marilyn Monroe back cover; French cartoons) VF $28 FOCUS- April 1956- (Elsa Mertinelli cover; Vera Jayne Peers centerfold; Sammy Davis, Jr) VF- $14 FOCUS- May 1956- (Jayne Mansfield cover; Sara Dolley centerfold; Sally Todd; Dorothy Dandridge) M- $48 FOCUS- July 1956- (Betty Brosmer cover & centerfold; Betty Rea; Shirley Jones article +back cover; Frank Lausche) M- $38 FOCUS- September 1956- (Penny Duncan cover; Lorri Rogers; Dianne Webber pictorial by Russ Meyer; Article: Elvis Presley; Susan Hayward; Ingred Tulean) VF $43 FOCUS- December 1956- (Kay Douglas cover; Sally Todd centerfold; Karen Steele; Marjorie Hellen) VF- $17 FOCUS- March 1957- (Zahra Norbo cover; Tina Louise centerfold; Ava Gardner; Kim Wadsworth; Borgward 'Goliath' auto; Yoko Tani) F $17 GLANCE- #10 June 1957- (Jeane Williams cover; Anne Neyland; Lili Brede demonstrates the 'Marijuana Dance', banned in the UK; Sandra Giles; Marlyn Mayer backcover; dope addicts) VF $28 GLANCE- #12 November 1957- (Special Crime Issue w/ Rackets; Vice; Wild Youth; Mobs; Sex Parties; Dope; Violence; Bad Girls) M $22 GLANCE- December 1957- (Carolyn Jones; Maris Frau; Julie Newmar; Exotic Foods; Article on 'Sex & Booze'; lots of models) F $12 HE- May 1955- (June Randy; Betty Page centerfold & back cover; Lili St. Cyr; Lilly Christine; Articles on Skin diving; boxer Joey Giardello; Doris Duke) VF $38 INSIDE- #3 January 1955- (Monique Van Vooren; Article: Song Poems) F $18 MALE LIFE- December 1955- (Lilly Christine cover; Shirley Kilpatrick canterfold; Carol Barber; Princess Wilhelmina Barrenfen of Germany, nude) VF+ $48 MALE LIFE- December 1956- (Irish McCalla cover; Mitzi Doerre centerfold; Danielle Lamarr; calendar girls for 1957 include Naomi Phillips; Eve Meyer; Bunny Yeager) F $43 PEOPLE TODAY- September 26, 1951- (Marie Wilson cover & centerfold; Lisa Kirk; Martin & Lewis; Sex At The County Fairs; GM 'LeSabre' car; Charades) M- $14 PEOPLE TODAY- April 7, 1954- (Yvonne DeCarlo cover & centerfold; Marilyn Monroe (many early rare pics); Nejla Ates; Miss Teenage USA; Mescalin; Gadgets; Fashions) M- $22 PEOPLE TODAY- July 14, 1954- (Ava Gardner cover; shutterbugs at Venice Beach centerfold w/ Richard Fish; Al 'Jazzbo' Collins; Cloris Leachman; Betty White; Cindy Robbins) M- $14 PEOPLE TODAY- November 16, 1955- (Kim Novak cover & centerfold; Mari Blanchard; Jenny Dale; Rex Harrison; Roberta Linn; Gianna Canale; Marlene Foshay) VF $14 PEOPLE TODAY- March 21, 1956- (Lee Sharon cover & centerfold; Lugene Sanders; Rita Hayworth; Flying Saucers; cartoonist Charles Martin profiled; Jennifer Jayne; Lonnie Young teaches Barbara Nichols how to strip) VF- $18 PEOPLE TODAY- November 1957- (Dawn Richard cover; Elsa Martinelli centerfold; Lynn Shaw; The Hi-Lo's; Jayne Mansfield; Ava Gardner; Jan Holden; DJ Don Bell judges a teen beauty contest; June Blair, later married to David Nelson) M- $22 PEOPLE TODAY- December 1957- (Jackie Loughery cover; Irish McCalla pictorial & back cover; Mitzi Gaynor; Simone Bach; Paris' Left Bank; Soho; Didi Roberts; 7 hangover cures) M- $28 PEOPLE TODAY- May 1958- (Jayne Mansfield cover; Erin O'Brien centerfold; Eileen Nobe; Art Blakey; Simone Silva; Eartha Kitt; James Dean II (Douglas Goodall); Simone Auger; Fabulous Figures pictorial w/ Joy Harmon, Rosalina Neri, Marisa Alasio, others; Nashville DJ Bill Morgan) M $48 PICTURE LIFE- #2 March 1956- (Lilly Christine cover; Abbe Lane centerfold; John Huston; Priscilla Darbon; Lewis Watts; Shirley Warden as a dope addict) M $56 Rare! PICTURE WEEK- April 10, 1956- (Mary Murphy cover & centerfold; Elvis Presley inside cover & story; Nadja Regan; Thelonius Monk; Can Can; Barbara Osterman by Peter Gowling; Nanette Fabray) M- $38 PICTURE WEEK- May 8, 1956- (Diane Webber cover; Jessica Paz; Jeanne Mann; Marie Menzies; Pat Gardner; Arlene Fontana; Helene Taylor; Coney Island; 'Doris Of The Chorus' cartoons; pitcher Robin Roberts; Red Skelton; Peggy Lee; Frank Sinatra) M- $24 PICTURE WEEK- May 22, 1956- (Pat Whitman cover; Paula Stewart centerfold; Valerie French; Lille Babs; Jessie Flows; Anita Ekberg; Tin Pan Alley; 'Dear Dorothy Dix' cartoons by R. Taylor; Monorail) VF+ $16 PICTURE WEEK- July 3, 1956- (Monique Van Vooren cover; Barbara Miller centerfold; Margia Dean; Jutta Hipp; a look at the futureific push-button home of 1980) M- $38 PICTURE WEEK- July 31, 1956- (Claire Kelly cover; Joanne Arnold centerfold; Dottie Sykes; Sandra Giles; Marina Vlady; Shirley Galpin; antique cars; movie dinosaurs) M- $12 PICTURE WEEK- August 14, 1956- (Gwen Caldwell cover & centerfold; Elvis Presley article; Marianne Brauns; Pin-ups; Diana Dors; Rockefeller Diet; Leo Durocher) M $38 PICTURE WEEK- August 25, 1956- (Shirley Lewis cover & centerfold; Adriane Tabares; London Jazz Scene; Herb Shriner; Fashion) VF $14 POINT- #3 May - June 1954- (Martha Wright cover; Anita Ekberg centerfold; Kinsey's 12 Mistakes; Martha Raye; Cheesecake photos; Long Legged Models; Roxanne of TV's "Beat The Clock") F $14 POINT- August 1956- (Lila Lynn cover; Kay Martin centerfold; Betty Page; Rosemarie Bowe; Glamor Models; Vodka; Maureen Marlow; Barbara Nichols; Barbara Miller; Tucky Witteck; Jessie Young; Baseball's .300 hitters) VF $33 POINT- November 1956- (Eve Williams cover; Anne Fleming centerfold; Shirley Kilpatrick; Sex Meets Ballet; Cheesecake Model Champions; Karate; Lynn Barton; Rusty Beaumonmt) VF $16 POINT- May 1957- (Elaine Stewart cover; Dede Austin centerfold; Betty Page; Rita Gam; Lily St. Cyr; Mamie Van Doren; Baseball's National League; Judy Bamber; Ricki Lane; Vicki Lake; Gina Egan; Iris Lynn; Antje Ree)M- $28 PREVUE- #6 December 1952- (Virginia Mayo cover; Zsa Zsa Gabor; Tom & Jerry; "Snows Of Kilimanjaro"; more) F $12 PREVUE- November & December 1953- (Terry Moore cover; Ruth Hampton centerfold (loose); Eddie Fisher Story; Dianne Foster; Jack Lemmon; "From Here To Eternity"; Martin & Lewis; "99 River Street"; Virginia Mayo) F $9 PREVUE- May 1954- (Rosemary Clooney cover & story; Ava Gardner centerfold; Lucy McAleer; Nancy Richards; "Lucky Me"; "Rhapsody"; Elizabeth Taylor; Dale Robertson) VF $9 PULSE- #6 May 1955- (Pat Manning cover; Pat McKillop centerfold; Nudist Camps; Esther Clair; Debra Paget; Patti Waggin; Sheree North) VF $12 QUICK- November 27, 1950- (Lucielle Ball cover & piece; Marie Wilson; Fashion; Sports; News) F $17 QUICK- January 28, 1952- (Yma Sumac cover & piece; "I Like Ike" sheet music; Fashion; Books; Movies; News) F $26 SENSATION- #4 June 1954- (Lilly Christine cover; Barbara Payton; Rita Moreno) F- $55 SHE- #10 November 1957- (Special Issue w/ Untamed Youth (Juvenile Delinquents); Sex Orgies; Crime; Dope; Gangs; Prostitution) M $28 SHOW- December 1953- (Lilly Christine cover & centerfold; Dick Gregory & Kim Scott dance routine; Lionel Hampton; Joan Vohs; Vanessa Brown; Roberta Haynes) M $48 or VF $33 SHOW- October 1954- (Lilly Christine cover; The Rheingold Beer Girls; Eartha Kitt; Ladies' Lingerie; ; Jackie Gleason's Hot 8 Musicians; Mallia Phillips) VF- $40 SHOW- March 1955- (Kim Wadsworth cover; Mitzi Gaynor centerfold; Italian Movie Starlets; How To Stretch Your Liquor Budget; Gloria DeHaven & her twin, Elaine; Eddy Arnold; Majorie Hellen; Bunny Yeager; Debra Paget) VG $17 SHOW- May 1955- (Delores Wimberley cover; Rosemaire Bowe centerfold; Leslie Caron; Simone Silva; June Taylor Dancers; Dave Garroway; Tin Pan Alley's Sexy Lyrics; Russian Jazz; Kim Novak) F $9 SHOW- December 1955- (Camille Williams cover; Tina Louise; Lilly Christine; Burlesque; Helen Partello; Diane Wagner; Janis Paige; Connie Russell) VF $17 SHOW- May 1956- (Marla English cover & centerfold; Betty Page inside cover & pictorial; 14 Ways To Kiss A Girl; Alicia Marquez; Yannick Arvel; Belinda Lee) M $44 SHOW- September 1956- (Joni Ross cover; Elvis Presley article; Arline Hunter; Anita Ekberg back cover & pictorial on the set of "Zarak Khan"; Marla English; Lisa Davis; Martin & Lewis; Rita Gam; Martine Carol; Nora Van Tosh) M $40 SHOW- October 1956- (Eve Meyer cover; Irish McCalla; Virginia Leith; Sophia Loren; Isa Papas; Sara Dolley; Shirley Bonn by Peter Gowland; Sid Caesar; Sammy Davis; Lionel Hampton; 'My Private Pin-Up Album' by Russ Meyer w/ pics of Eve Meyer; Anita Ekberg; Joyce Winfield; Sabrina; Mona Miller; Jean McCallen; Diane Weber; Betty Blue; Meg Myles; Rita Moreno; & Jayne Mansfield) M- $50 SHOW- November 1956- (Janis Paige cover; Diane Weber centerfold; New York Burlesque; Sex On Campus; Zahra Norbo; Tony Perkins; The 4 Lads; Carol Swartz; Margarita Mercado; ) VF- $18 TV GIRLS & GAGS- #5 March 1955- (Betty Page cover; Anita Ekberg centerfold; Nancy White back cover; Charlotte Veth; Peggy O'Connor; Mara Corday; Joan Collins; Dolores Donlon; Linda Christian; Maria Stinger; top cartoonists of the day) M- $88 or G+ $24 TV GIRLS & GAGS- September 1955- (Maria Stinger cover; Pat Gale centerfold; Beverly Neale back cover; Mary Wright; Iris Bristol; Kathleen Hughes; Kim Wadsworth; Lynn Lampert; Irish McCalla; Sharon Bailey; Joy Langstaff; Tina Louise; many top cartoonists of the day) VF $33 TV GIRLS & GAGS- January 1956- (Barbara Osterman cover; Marilyn Dean centerfold; Barbara Wilson; Devin Landis; Patti Waggin; Dawn Oney; Jean Carroll; Irish McCalla; many top cartoonists of the day) M- $28 TV GIRLS & GAGS- July 1960- (Venetta Stevenson cover; Shirley Price centerfold; Diane Richards; Marie France; Marla English; Terry Higgins; Joy Harmon; Elaine Ray; many top cartoonists of the day) VF $18 TEMPO- #11 August 17, 1953- (Elizabeth Taylor cover, plus other new moms in Hollywood; movie report "From Here To Eternity"; Gloria Grahame; Terry Moore; bathing beauties promote Las Vegas' Hotel Sahara; Canadian Uranium, more) NM $18 Scarce! TEMPO- October 26, 1953- (Aurora DeAlba cover; News; Fashion (Leopard prints); Sports; Entertainment) F $8 TEMPO- May 10, 1954- (Virginia Mayo cover; Paggie Castle; Cheesecake in Hollywood w/ Marilyn Monroe; Betty Brosmer; Caralfae Peterson; Barri Chase) VF+ $28 TEMPO- May 31, 1954- (Janet Leigh cover; Sexy Swimsuits; Kathleen Hughes; Elaine Malbin; Broadway by Earl Wilson; International Beauties; Fashion (Zebra prints) VF- $12 TEMPO- June 7, 1954- (Abbe Lane cover; Mary Ann Harrison; Allison Hayes; Sex In The Office; Ballplayer Eddie Matthews profiled; Big Band Beauties; Movies' "Dial 'M' For Murder" & "Rear Window"; Marilyn Monroe; Mara Lane) VF $22 TEMPO- September 20, 1954- Now as "News Tempo & Quick"- (Mamie Van Doren cover & centerfold; Marilyn Monroe inside cover; Betty Page; Pier Angeli; Mara Corday) VF $44 TEMPO- January 10, 1955- (Zsa Zsa Gabor cover; Linda Christian back cover (Quick); Jeannie Johnson; Michaela Denis; Tina Louise; Kessler Sisters; Movie "Young At Heart"; Marion Ross in "The Girl Rush"; Lili St. Cyr; Johnny Ray; Steve Allen) VF $40 TEMPO- June 6, 1955- (Gloria De Haven cover; Burlesque Bounces Back article w/ Betty Page in "Varetease"; Lili St. Cyr; Lee Sharon; Lilly Christine; Diana Dors; Mara Corday) VF- $48 TEMPO- June 20, 1955- (Lee Wilson cover; Lynn Lampert back cover (Quick); Marilyn Monroe; Article: Rock 'N Roll Sex Fad; Bikinis) F $44 TEMPO- May 29, 1956- Now as simply "Tempo". "News Tempo & Quick" name has been dropped. (Kathleen Hughes cover & centerfold; Brigitte Bardot; Frank Sinatra recording session; Jayne Mansfield; Barbara White; Gadgets) F- $12 TEMPO- September 18, 1956- (Zahra Norbo cover & centerfold; Diane Webber; Article: Rock 'N Roll; Peggy Cummins; Nicole) VF $38 TEMPO- November 13, 1956- (Carolyn Hughes cover & centerfold; James Dean; Stephanie Faifield; Tattoos; Zahra Norbo; Kathy Marlowe; Jennifer Lee; Articles: The New Jazz; Boxing; Drag Racing) VF+ $18 TEMPO- December 25, 1956- (Jeanne Crain cover & centerfold; Free Love in Sweden; Annabelle; Vicki Lake; Best Movies of '56; Jeanne Carmen pictorial & back cover) F $9 TEMPO- January 8, 1957- (Sophia Loren cover & centerfold; The Big Stories Of '56 reviewed; Bibi Johns; Article: What Elvis Has That Gets Your Girl" w/ exclusive Presley pics; Barbara Nichols pictorial & inside cover) M $33 TEMPO- February 5, 1957- (Dani Crayne cover; Eva Lynd centerfold; Feature Article: "Tempo Picks Your Rock 'N Roll All-Stars"; Showgirls; Anne Neyland pictorial) M $36 or VF $24 TEMPO- March 5, 1957- (Jackie Monroe cover & centerfold; Donalda Jordon back cover & pictorial; International Beauties; Bar Cartoons by VIP (Virgil Partch) VF $22 TEMPO- April 16, 1957- (Mara Corday cover; Toni Carrol centerfold; Carolyn Frantz back cover & pictorial: "She Dates The Real Elvis"; Calypso Craze; Shelly Manne; Jayne Hacklin; New York Giants Baseball; Pat Morgan) M- $28 TEMPO- May 28, 1957- (Gloria Marshall cover; Tania Velja centerfold by Peter Basch; Feature Article: Country Music; Buddy Bregman; Cartoons For Shaggy Lovers by Guy Bara; Mickey Rooney; Baseball's Keystone Kops) VF $12 TEMPO- August 1957- (Anita Ekberg cover & centerfold; Harry Belafonte; Betty Rea; Baseball's Ray Chapman; Rodeo Clowns; Wendy Wilde; Carolyn Jones) VF- $12 TEMPO- March 1959- (Suzie Darby cover; Gloria Marshall; Donalda Jordan; Article: "Are Hot Rods A Sex Stimulus?"; plus lots of models in bath towels & sheer nighties) G $8 TOPS- #2 April 1954- (Elaine Stewart cover; pictures by pinup photographer Gary Wagner featured in centerfold; Article: "I Flew A Flying Saucer"; President Dwight Eisenhower; Mel Allen; Frank Sinatra) VF $12 TOPS- #4 June 1954- (Glynis Johns cover; Lee Sharon inside cover; Beverly Michaels) F- $8 | MISCELLANEOUS ARMY FUN- May / June 1961- (Jokes & Cartoon art by: Bill Wenzel; Don Douglas; Art Gates; Ford Button; Cullen; O'Brien; Herb Green; Cliff Johnson; Ted Trogdon; Geirge Wolfe; Lucky Ebbeson; Bob Weber; Leo Garel; Doris Matthews; Ross; Chuck Smith; Don Orehek; Jerry Marcus; Learned; Floyd Johnson; Leo Kenser; Marty Lowe; Nordberg; Pete Wyma; Al Kaufman; Bill Kresse; John Kruty; Temes; Lundberg; Hal Mouey; Jack Tippit; Ken Otis; Chet Lown; SG Farris; many others) Feature Publications, Inc. F $24
BLUSH- #2 195? (Strippers; cartoons & gags. Only sold in Burlesque Theaters! 5" x 8.25") Zee Zee Publication M $40
CARTOON DIGEST- Vol 1 No. 2 November 1945 - (The Best in Current Cartooning w/ Mischa Richter; Otto Soglow; Fred Neher; Bob Karp; Marty Links; Roland Coe; Galbraith; Hershberger; Gluyas Williams; Reamer Keller; Chon Day; Lewis R. Webb; Willard Hope; George Marko; Bodin; Dow Walling; Stanley Stamaty; Bob Barnes; Scott Brown; G. Francis Kauffman; Irving Roir; others) Civil service Publications F- $24
CHARLEY JONES' LAUGH BOOK MAGAZINE- September 1956- (Dee Drummond; Joyce Jones; Earl Wilson column; cartoons & stories 5" x 6.75") Jayhawk Publications M- $12
CHARLEY JONES' LAUGH BOOK MAGAZINE- November 1956- (cover shot of Lisa Gaye from the movie "Shake Rattle & Rock"; Marla English; Greta Thysen; Bonnie Harrington; Jean Moorhead; Jennifer Statler; Earl Wilson column; cartoons & stories. 5" x 6.75") Jayhawk Publications VF $18
CONFIDENTIAL LIFE- Vol. 1 #1 February 1958- (Cover pictures Charlotte Austin; Alphonso Mathis; Marilyn Monroe. Anita Ekberg on inside front cover; Diana Dors; Articles on Homosexuality & 3rd sex; Prostution; Satanism & Murder; Book Bonus: Are You Sexually Impotent?; TV Exposé: The Magic Box; Hermaphrodite- A Sensational Story; Health Guide & more. 50 pages) M $38
DOLL & GAGS- February-March 1961- (Jokes by: Robert O. Erisman; Mike Mitchell; Joe DiGiovanni; Pete Diamond; Frank J. Pepe; Jean O'Neill; Herb Gochros; G. Cutler Banks; Al Spong; Raymond J. Goodman; & Cartoon art by: O'Brien; Thaves; Ton Smits; Bernhardt; Monroe Leung; Bill Wenzel; Herb Green; Bob Tupper; George Wolfe; Al Kaufman; Dunkel; Jack Lohr; Gene Herndon; Ford Button; Lyons; Lundberg; Roy Threadgill; Tom Hudson; Radi; Bob Weber; Serrano; Don Orehek; Jack Markow; Dirksen; Marty Lowe; Leo Garel; Shirvanian; Cullen; others) Headline Pub. F $24
FABULOUS FEMALES PRESENTS- #6- circa late-1950s- Carmen Ricardo (Carmen Lugo aka Linda Cardi in a variety of sexy cheesecake poses) Charles Publishing Co M- $44
FABULOUS PHOTOS- no # - circa late 1950s- (Studies for the photographer, featuring Betty Page (front & back covers, centerfold + 5 others); plus Donna Drake; Marion; & Judy O'Day. (4" x 5.5") Dante Publishing VF $90 Rare!
FEVER- #1 195? (Marilyn Waltz; Georgine 'Miss Torso' Darcy; Evelyn West; Arby Lynn; Debra Dean; Joy Reynolds; Delores del Ray; Zee Zee Matrine; Figure Studies; Peep Pictures; Strippers; cartoons & gags. Only sold in Burlesque Theaters! 5" x 8.25") Zee Zee Publication M $40
GALS & GIGGLES- #9 July 1956- (Cartoon art by: Bill Wenzel; TVP; Lloyd Baker; Vic Martin; AC Hollingsworth; Serrano; Frank Lavan; Mel Scott; McCartney; J Kiernan; JG Farris; Jeep; Carl Thomas; DeCarlo; GH White; Dick Smolinski; others) Star Editions, Inc. VG- $14
GIRLY-Q- #3 March 1956 - (Cartoon art by: Vic Martin; Frank Lavan; Mel Scott; JG Farris; Howard Boughner; Harry Jones; O'Brien; Mel Millar; Serrano; TVP; Vanselow; Lloyd Baker; Dick Smolinski; Joey Oakes; Pomarico; Frank Ridgeway; Bernhardt; Radi; Ray Forest; Garth Waite; others) Davstan Pub. VG $28
HOLD IT!- #1- circa late-1950s- (Figure studies as photographed by Marno. Modes include: 32 Big-Busted Nude Art Pix. 5.5" x 8.5") Marr Publishing VF $48
ILLUSTRATED DETECTIVE- #1 July 1955- (True Official Crime Cases 66 pages 4" x 6") Official Publications F $12
JOKES & MORE JOKES- #12 1953 (Jokes w/ Cartoons by: Art Gates) Croydon Pub. VF $12
MEET THE GIRLS #1- (Lynn Carter; Chris DeLee; Sybel Caryle; Carmen. 5.5" x 8.5") Riviera Pin-Up Corp. VF- $45
NU-ART PHOTOS- #9- circa-late-1950s- (For Artists, Sculptors & Figure Photographers. Jayne Mansfield cover & centerfold; Virginia Carmichael; Bettie Page (ad); Dorene Thomas; Helen Becker; others. 5.25 " x 8.25") ) Nu-Art F $75 Rare!
PEEK- #1 - (4.24" x 5.5" under-the-counter 'photo study' of a very shapley but unnamed bulresque queen) F $45
PRESENTING- #9- circa early -1960's- Heather Christy- (Pin-up glamour-girl captured in many nude & cheesecake poses. 5.5" x 8.5") Burmel Publishing F+ $40 See Pictures
PRESENTING- #11- circa early -1960's- The Fabulous Zorita- (Stunning shapley blonde burlesque star Kathryn Boyde (aka Zorita) captured in many nude & cheesecake poses at her Florida home. 5.5" x 8.5") Burmel Publishing M- $55
PRESENTING- #12- circa early -1960's- Blaze Starr & Texas Sheridan- (Two of burlesque's most glamorus & exciting stars captured in many nude & cheesecake poses. 5.5" x 8.5") Burmel Publishing VF $85 M
SHAPE- #1- circa early-1960s- (nudes; figure studies & cheesecake photos by Ron Vogel; John Everard; & other top lensmen. 5.5" x 8.25") Art Enterprises M- $48
SHAPE #3- circa early-1960s- (Virginia Bell cover, centerfold & pictorial; Diane Weber; Tanya Smith; Pat O'Day; Nancy Kirsten; Charlene James; Debbie Lane; Pat Conley; Susan Woods; captured in nude figure studies & cheesecake photos by Ron Vogel & other top lensmen of the day. 5.25" x 8.5") Art Enterprises M- $58
SMILES- June 1957- (Cartoon Art by: Bill Wenzel (front & back covers + inside; JG Farris; Quentin Miller; Radi; O'Brien; Hoifjeld; T Wyman; Lloyd Baker; Atkins; Hal Money; Fred Levinson; Tee; DeMarko; Sylvia Getsler; TVP; Don Douglas; Lindensmith; Hank Baeb; Don Orehek) VF- $28
WOLF BAIT- #1 1959- (Tee Tee Red cover & centerfold; Zee Zee Martine; Dee Milo; Delores Del Raye; Arby Lynn; Gail West; Jean Smythe; Evelyn West column. Strippers; cartoons & gags. Only sold in Burlesque Theaters! 5" x 8.25") Zee Zee Publication M- $60
WOLF BAIT- #2 1959- (Zee Zee Martine; Mara Gaye; Evelyn West; Strippers; cartoons & gags. Only sold in Burlesque Theaters! 5" x 8.25") Zee Zee Publication M $55
ZIP!- December 1954 (All in color! Cartoon art by: Joey Oakes; Filchock; Cramer; Joe Buresch; Grandpa Moses; David Pascal; Cavalli; Bill Riley; Wolsk; Vic; Hollins; Don Orehek; Rayon; Glynn; Ray Forest; O'Brien; Alfred Rosenberg; George Wolfe; Bill Boynansky; Hoifjeld; Douglas Ryan; HB; HG; Gail Hamilton; Hills; B Swart; Ali; Pomarico; Dave Hirsch; Keller; F Collins) 'Wolf Book' by Dearfield Pub. VG $45 | | | |